President’s Post/Church Council News;Â
Closing of Another Church Calendar
         We closed out October by celebrating Reformation and having an authentic German lunch for Fellowship. There were just over 50 of us who stayed to enjoy this special fellowship! Many thanks to the Elders and anyone else who brought in tasty treats, helped to serve and clean up after!Â
         Updates for the church and the grounds: outside water is shut off for the season for both the church and RTG, trees have been trimmed, RTG grass trimmed up and parking lot weeds were cleaned up, and all the lower rain gutters were cleaned out and flushed. All in all we had a great day for fall clean up. THANKS to all that helped.
         November first and second are the dates to remember as LWML will host their annual CRAFT FAIR. Lots of venders to pick from for your Christmas gifts and if for nothing else, come on Saturday for lunch. You will be treated to a great meal of sloppy joes, a side dish, chips, a cookie, and a drink for a low price of $6.00. Question: can you go to McDonalds and get a meal for that price? I am not sure, but my answer is NO.Â
         Fallon is a military town with the presence of the Naval Air Station. I know I am very proud of all who have served. Nov 11th is Veterans Day. Thank those that have served or are serving.Â
John 15:13Â (Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.)
One more Date to remember. December 8th will be the Voters Meeting.Â
May the cooler days of Autumn give relief from the heat and a smile as our Christmas season is closes in around us.
THE PRAYER: Heavenly Father, give us voices that by your words we may find those that need the light of Jesus in their lives. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Happy Thanksgiving,
DeAl Dankers